Covid-19 Emergency

Covid-19 Emergency

Special opening hours and rules to follow in our stores

Special opening hours and rules to follow in our stores

Special opening hours and rules to follow in our stores


Mar 10, 2020

Respecting the latest DPCM, signed by Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte, containing urgent measures for the containment and management of the Covid-19 epidemiological emergency, C&C stores will observe special hours that may be updated daily, in accordance with the new provisions issued by the Government.

On each store page, you can check the opening and closing hours of our stores where access will be regulated by our Apple Specialists to avoid gatherings, and inside of which it will be essential to respect the good behavioral norms set by the Ministry of Health:

1. Avoid close contact by maintaining a distance of at least 1 meter

2. Wash your hands often with soap and water or with alcohol-based gel

3. Avoid close contact with people suffering from acute respiratory infections

4. Do not touch your eyes, nose, and mouth with your hands

5. Cover your mouth and nose with disposable tissues if you sneeze or cough. If you don't have a tissue, use the crook of your elbow

6. Do not take antiviral drugs or antibiotics unless prescribed by a doctor

7. Clean surfaces and devices with chlorine or alcohol-based disinfectants

8. Use a face mask only if you suspect you are sick or if you are assisting sick people


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